This Week at Ross

May 4, 2024

Dear RCUMC Members and Friends,

Our two previous weeks Gospel lessons have described how Jesus invoked both the images of the Good Shepherd and of the grapevines and branches in order to explain his role and his relationship to the disciples and all humanity. This week’s final teaching before Ascension Sunday is found in John 15:9-17 and spells out in explicit terms that Jesus new commandment is that we love one another. He assures us that to be like him is to live the Christian life and be called to love all, without any exceptions, just as he did. Chris Jordan will present the message while Pastor Chris is serving as spiritual director for the Emmaus Walk. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be observed on May 12.
From Pastor Chris: Greetings, Church Family: As I finish writing down these thoughts, I am completing my checklist of all the things I will need as I serve as the Spiritual Director for the Northern Lights Walk to Emmaus #38 this weekend. We will be at Monroe UMC for the 72 hours of the event beginning Thursday. I ask that you keep us in prayer for both those who are coming to experience the weekend and the team who has answered the call to be there for this wonderful time. Counting team members, 57 people will be participating. Most, including myself, will be staying on site for the duration.
It has been evident from the outset of this team meetings that we have a wealth of experienced members. It has been 26 years since the first Walk. Represented on this team are individuals from many different years, even back to Walk #1 (which was my Walk). It feels like a family reunion because I have not seen some of these men in years and yet here, they are.
I know these men to be blessed with a wealth of experience and knowledge. That is how God works in our lives. This time we have exactly the right team for the pilgrims, the participants, who are taking this journey. I believe the same dynamic is at work in the life of the church. As we continue to pray for direction and guidance, the right people with the right gifts are brought into our lives at the right time, enabling us to conduct Kingdom work as the Body of Christ. Another reminder of this truth came this morning via the radio with an old song that exclaims “He’s Never Failed Me Yet”.
I look forward to sharing more with you about how the Grace of God has again this weekend been made known to this pastor and to many others. Blessings, Pastor Chris
This is the last Sunday to make reservations for the Spring Banquet on Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children 10 and under. Hand your completed form (including payment) to Jan or Judy and drop it off in the church office or mail it to the church in time for receipt before May 5.
Setup for the Spring Banquet will be Tuesday, May 7 starting at 10:00 a.m. Many hands make light work, so please stop by to help the members of the Women’s Group if your schedule allows.
The Living Forward widows and widowers support group will meet on Wednesday, May 15 at 1:00 p.m. at Taqueria Guanajuato restaurant in the shopping plaza at 752 Northwest Blvd. on the west side of Hamilton. Please contact Carla so she can make the reservation. Following food and fellowship time, two members will share ideas for possible field trips the group might schedule in addition to the usual Wednesday lunch gatherings.
Weekly Words of Wisdom: Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to his love, and the future to his providence. St. Augustine
May Gods light surround you; Gods love enfold you; Gods power protect you, and Gods presence watch over you. 
Emily Adams
Administrative Assistant