This Week at Ross

This Sunday is the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany.  We move to the gospel of Luke 6:17-26 where Jesus is speaking to a large crowd gathered on a level place, likely a plateau, where he addresses the disciples and the multitude about the true nature of God’s kingdom. This is known as the “Sermon of the Plateau.” Here we see 4 of the 8 Beatitudes mentioned in Matthew 5, also known as the “Sermon on the Mount”.  My message title is “Blessed are You.”
As I have shared with you previously, I was requested to be the Spiritual Director for the upcoming Chrysalis flight this weekend. This once in a lifetime event for 9th through 12th graders was to include our own Noah Trumbull and Cori Richardson as participants. I received a phone call Monday evening from the Board Chair letting me know too many of the team members were sick and other positions still not covered so canceling this flight was necessary. I know some of you have prepared letters or notes to the boys and we will still pass them on to them. I know any note or card will bless and encourage the boys. I am disappointed with the postponement, but we know to trust God in all things and if this was not the time, they can always go next year. 

Pastor Maggie and I had the privilege to visit and conduct worship yesterday at Covenant Village Care Center in Green Township. One thing that was amazing was the fact several of them remembered the last time we were there at Christmas and the gifts we brought. One lady told me it was the only Christmas present she received, and she treasured her blanket. Once again it was wonderful to spend time singing, praying, and serving Communion to those who gathered to spend time in worship. I shared a devotion on “Gifts” and how gifts can come in different ways and I reminded them that they were a gift to each other, created to be a gift to each other. One thing I have noticed even in that setting, they have a community. Many have formed friendships and together they have become a gift to each other as they spend each day sharing meals and activities, living safely in that facility. The same is true of us. We are all created to be a gift to each other, and you believe that very truth. I have seen even this week where God has brought the right person to fulfill a need that became a “gift” to me and many others. I am thankful to be part of a community of believers who want to make a difference in this world to not only our community but allowing our faith to let us throw our nets into the “deeper water” as we talked about Sunday. Together, we do not have to worry about how deep things might just be. 
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.   

The Living Forward group for widow/widowers will be meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 1:00 at LaRosa’s in Hamilton located at 770 NW Washington Boulevard. Please let Carla Baker know by Monday the 17th if you are planning to attend. Her contact information is in the church directory. 

Updated directories are available on the table outside the sanctuary. Please make sure all your information is correct, and I will make any necessary corrections if needed.

Sunday School continues at RCUMC. Class begins at 9:45. You are invited to join Paul and Kym Smith in a wonderful class leading up to our weekly worship. Contact Paul if you have any questions. All are welcome.

Thought for the week: “Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude – an attitude of dependency, dependency upon God.”
— A. W. Pink
May God’s light surround you; God’s love enfold you; God’s power protect you, and God’s presence watch over you, now and always.
Blessings, Pastor Chris
Next update 02-20-2025.