This Week at Ross

July 11, 2024

Dear RCUMC Members and Friends,

The Scripture reading this week, Mark 6:14-29, tells the story of the beheading of John the Baptist by King Herod Antipas at the bidding of his wife Herodias. When Herodias daughter Salome dances for Herod at his birthday celebration, he is so entranced he promises her anything she wants. Herodias prompts Salome to ask for John’s head on a platter. Herod is reluctant but feels obligated to fulfill his promise and orders John’s execution. The sermon title is What Should I Ask For? Jess and Josh Trumbull will provide the special music.

From Pastor Chris: Greetings, Church Family: It is hard to believe it is already the 11th of July. Summer has a way of passing by so quickly, doesn’t it, especially with the vacation time, picnics, and family reunions that many of you have been enjoying these last few weeks. I enjoyed spending July 4 with my son and daughter-in-law at her mom’s home while Maggie was away. This Saturday we will be getting together with two of my sons and their wives. And even though Josh and Jessica will not be at our picnic on Saturday, I will be blessed to spend time with them when they join us Sunday morning at church to provide our special music.

I have had Scripture from Matthew 25 on my mind these past couple of weeks, especially as it relates to some of our conversations about our church’s future and what God is calling us to be as a congregation. Matthew 25:35-36 reminds us: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

This week those very things became actual daily occurrences for me as people reached out with various needs. Once the phone stopped ringing yesterday, I had the chance to reflect on how effectively those needs had been filled by the gifts and talents of God’s people in both churches I serve.

I was able to distribute needed food to a hungry family–I made one phone call and the food was assembled and placed for me to pick up and deliver. Cases of water collected during Vacation Bible School at Darrtown UMC were delivered to Matthew 25 Ministries in time for a trip to Texas. A member of RCUMC guided a family in need of lodging through the process of finding temporary shelter and possibly preparing for a long-term solution. A phone call with our Nancy Beckman not only brightened my day, but reminded me of the value of clean, wearable clothing and how we answer that call for those who need it. And finally, as I was visiting an individual who is ill and a shut-in, I was struck by the connection to the words of the Matthew 25 verses, when they said how being homebound felt like they were confined in prison and by their gratitude to have a visitor.

Through the God-given opportunity to work together, we can accomplish so many wonderful things we could not possibly manage on our own. I am praying for all of us to reach a deep understanding of what being a good and faithful servant truly looks like. It forms the picture of all of us together accomplishing Kingdom Work right here on earth. We do not have to look far. What a joy it is to know that whether or not next week brings the very same needs all over again, God is ever faithful and will always provide! I look forward to seeing you Sunday. Blessings, Pastor Chris

The Living Forward group will meet Wednesday, July 17 at 1:00 p.m. at Shooters Sports Grill, 877 N.W. Washington Blvd. in Hamilton. All widows and widowers are invited to join us for fellowship and great conversation. If you have a friend who would benefit from such a group, please invite them! Please let Carla know by July 15 if you plan to attend.

I will be on vacation the weeks of July 15 and July 22. Please contact Pastor Chris if you need assistance with administrative functions I usually handle or for other needs such as gaining entry to the building. Although This Week at Ross will not be published, Pastor will be sending a weekly email while I am away and can include news items you would like to share with the congregation. I will return to the office Tuesday, July 30. 

Venice Presbyterian Church, 4244 Layhigh Road in downtown Ross, is sponsoring a summer recital series at 4:00 p.m. on July 14, July 28, and August 11. Funds raised will go to support the ministry of the church choir. Suggested donation is $15 per person, although all are welcome. Performers include Houston Tyrrell, Ben Tweedt, the Burdette Family, Dylon and Paige Crain, and Sabreena Cherrington. Please visit for more information or pick up a flier at our church.

Thought for the Week: “The circumstances we ask God to change are often the circumstances God is using to change us.” –Mark Batterson

May God’s light surround you, God’s love enfold you, God’s power protect you, and God’s presence watch over you. 

Emily Adams
Administrative Assistant

NEXT UPDATE 07-18-2024