This Week at Ross

May 9, 2024

Dear RCUMC Members and Friends,

The Ascension of Christ is observed 40 days after his resurrection and will be celebrated this Sunday. Varying accounts of the event appear in the Acts of the Apostles as well as in the Gospels of John and Luke. All share a description of Jesus being taken up into heaven and the message that the Ascension was the final earthly act of redemption, bringing salvation to all who are members of the Body of Christ. The Scripture reading is Luke 24:44-53 and Pastor Chris’s message title is You Are Witnesses of These Things. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be observed.   
From Pastor Chris: Greetings, Church Family: God Loves You! You have probably heard these words many times. They seem so simple to understand. For Christians, they are considered the most important message in the world–and in return, the love of God in our hearts is the foundation of the Christian life. God Loves You. I know I often quote this as part of our benediction at the conclusion of our sacred hour of worship each week. I believe you need to hear the reminder often: God Loves you.
Last weekend I had the privilege to serve as spiritual director for the Northern Lights Emmaus Walk #38 at Monroe UMC. These three words and their importance were expressed frequently by the various speakers. One highlight of the weekend for me was the moment a participant approached me after hearing these words presented in one of the outlines. He was rejoicing over a new discovery and acknowledging a new understanding on a purely personal level. He kept repeating the words with fresh emphasis: God Loves ME! God Loves ME! It was as if someone had opened a door to insight and joy as he realized it is a personal thing and yes, God Loves ME!
I often encounter this attitude with individuals outside my usual circles who have never experienced a worship service, Sunday School, or Bible study to help them grow in the Word of God. They hear about a loving God, but they do not believe they experience that love when life is turned upside down. They may blame God for the discomforts they are facing. Sometimes it takes the simplest thing–in this case a word of hope in a talk–to bring this knowledge into reality for someone.
You know the impact of having a community of believers surround you each week as we share life’s journey. This is another way God Loves You. Knowing HE loves us when things are upside down is crucial to persevering for the good in each and every struggle that comes along. As a pastor, it is my prayer that you know you are loved, even if sometimes I might begin to take this Biblical truth for granted!
We are concluding the Season of Easter this week as we celebrate both Ascension Sunday–when Jesus rises into Heaven–and Mother’s Day. On May 19 we will celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the church. We do this because of God’s LOVE for us. He sent his son to die for all of us and yes, God Loves You!
The chorus of this song by We the Kingdom comes to mind. Here is the link. For God so loved the world that He gave us His one and only Son to save us. Whoever believes in Him will live forever. A€ See you Sunday! Blessings,
Pastor Chris
In more raffle news, Ross and Morgan Ministries have asked RCUMC to help out with the donation of a gift basket for the Shandon Strawberry Festival next month. Our theme is Movie Night and Nancy is coordinating a collection of items and money for gift cards. Please see her at church or call her more information.
The Living Forward widows and widowers support group will meet next Wednesday, May 15 at 1:00 p.m. at Taqueria Guanajuato restaurant in the shopping plaza at 752 Northwest Blvd. on the west side of Hamilton. Please contact Carla so she can make the reservation. Following food and fellowship time, two members will share ideas for possible field trips the group might schedule in addition to the usual Wednesday lunch gatherings.
This Sunday’s opening hymn, Lift High the Cross, is not sung at RCUMC frequently. The history of the hymn is here and you may listen to an inspiring rendition here.
The June-July-August issue of Our Daily Bread is available at the welcome desk and in the narthex. Pick up a copy and make it a habit to spend a few moments in the morning for a spiritually uplifting start to your day with these short daily devotionals.
Church Sign Humor: The Feast of the Ascension: celebrating the day that Jesus began working from home!
May God’s light surround you, God’s love enfold you, God’s power protect you, and God’s presence watch over you. 
Emily Adams
Administrative Assistant